After graduating from graduate school, joined Works Applications Co., Ltd. as a new graduate. Engaged in new sales, marketing and public relations for ERP packages for major companies. After that, he joined Recruit Co., Ltd. to gain practical experience in toC marketing. Towards the integration of major group companies in 2020, we launched a mid-career recruitment team across the group. Succeeded in recruiting data engineers, which was the focus at the time.
In her private life, she is a single mother who attends an international school. While throwing all my effort into childcare, which I can only do now, I am struggling every day with the hope that my daughter will be able to live in a happy world in the future, even if only a little, by eliminating the “dislikes” that I have felt throughout my life.
I would be happy if I could be of some help to the candidates in realizing their desired careers without being bound by the common sense and customs of the world.